Queer women face unique challenges when it comes to dating, and being able to spot potential red flags early on can save a lot of time and heartache. We reached out to 12 queer women and asked them to share their biggest dating red flags. Here’s what they had to say:

Are you tired of falling for the wrong person? It's time to steer clear of these common dating red flags that can spell trouble for queer women. From lack of communication to controlling behavior, these warning signs can save you from heartache in the long run. Trust your instincts and keep an eye out for these 12 red flags in your dating life. And if you're ready to find love and friendship with mature dating, check out Devilish Desire for Swindon singles.

Communication Issues

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Communication is key in any relationship, and several of the women we spoke to emphasized the importance of clear and open communication. One woman, Sarah, shared that a lack of communication or evasiveness when it comes to making plans can be a major red flag. "If someone is always vague about when they're available or doesn't respond to messages in a timely manner, it can be a sign that they're not fully invested in the relationship," she said.

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Inconsistent Behavior

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Inconsistency in behavior was another common red flag mentioned by the women we interviewed. Maya, for example, shared that she pays attention to how someone treats her when they’re together versus how they act when they’re apart. "If someone is all over me when we're together but then goes MIA when we're apart, it's a sign that they might not be as interested as they seem," she explained.

Lack of Respect

Respect is a non-negotiable in any relationship, and several of the women we spoke to mentioned that a lack of respect is a major red flag for them. "If someone doesn't respect my boundaries or tries to pressure me into doing things I'm not comfortable with, it's a clear sign that they're not the right person for me," said Jess.

Unwillingness to Commit

For many of the women we interviewed, an unwillingness to commit was a major red flag. "If someone is constantly avoiding the topic of commitment or seems hesitant to define the relationship, it can be a sign that they're not looking for anything serious," shared Alex.

Emotional Unavailability

Emotional availability is crucial in a relationship, and several of the women we spoke to mentioned that emotional unavailability is a major red flag for them. "If someone is unable to open up or share their feelings with me, it's a sign that they might not be ready for a real connection," said Taylor.

Lack of Accountability

Accountability is important in any relationship, and many of the women we interviewed mentioned that a lack of accountability is a major red flag for them. "If someone is always making excuses or refuses to take responsibility for their actions, it's a clear sign that they're not mature enough for a healthy relationship," shared Olivia.

Unwillingness to Compromise

Compromise is essential in any relationship, and several of the women we spoke to emphasized the importance of being able to compromise. "If someone is always insisting on getting their way and refuses to meet me halfway, it's a sign that they're not willing to put in the effort required for a successful relationship," said Emma.


Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that involves manipulating someone into questioning their own reality, and several of the women we interviewed mentioned that gaslighting is a major red flag for them. "If someone is constantly trying to make me doubt my own perceptions or feelings, it's a clear sign that they're not someone I want to be with," shared Ava.

Unwillingness to Communicate About Boundaries

Setting and respecting boundaries is crucial in any relationship, and many of the women we spoke to mentioned that an unwillingness to communicate about boundaries is a major red flag. "If someone is dismissive of my boundaries or refuses to have an open and honest conversation about them, it's a sign that they're not capable of respecting my needs," said Harper.

Lack of Empathy

Empathy is essential in any relationship, and several of the women we interviewed mentioned that a lack of empathy is a major red flag for them. "If someone is unable to show empathy or doesn't seem to care about my feelings, it's a clear sign that they're not capable of forming a deep emotional connection," shared Riley.

Unwillingness to Address Conflict

Conflict is a natural part of any relationship, and many of the women we spoke to mentioned that an unwillingness to address conflict is a major red flag. "If someone is always avoiding conflict or refuses to have difficult conversations, it's a sign that they're not mature enough to handle the challenges that come with a relationship," explained Jordan.

Disrespectful Behavior Towards Others

Finally, many of the women we interviewed mentioned that disrespectful behavior towards others is a major red flag for them. "If someone is rude or dismissive towards waitstaff or other service workers, it's a sign that they lack basic empathy and respect for others," shared Erin.

In conclusion, dating as a queer woman comes with its own set of challenges, and being able to spot potential red flags early on can make all the difference. By paying attention to communication, consistency, respect, emotional availability, and other important factors, queer women can navigate the dating world with confidence and find the healthy, fulfilling relationships they deserve.